Pork Section
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Due to a cattle shortage country-wide in 2009, it was with the hopes of bridging the meat gap, that we opened our pork section.
Being a small operation, we would only slaughter 20 to 30 porkers a day, but as demand grew and over time, we secured a license to slaughter 70 head per day.
As 2014 drew to a close, we had expanded our pork abattoir, and with that a license which allowed us to slaughter 150 head per day. We currently have cold-room space to accommodate 70 porkers and blast-freezer space which can take up to 120 porkers at any one time.
We take great care in ensuring our pigs are well looked after from the time they arrive at Koala Park Butchery to the time they are slaughtered. From all the methods used to stun, and slaughter pigs, we choose to use electric currents to stun the pig, then immediately after, it is bled out to finish the process. We believe this is by far the most humane way of slaughtering our porkers, and guarantees our meat quality is of the highest standard by the time it reaches our customers.
For some, cooking meat to the correct temperatures comes naturally, to others, having an accurate temperature and cooking guide to fall back on is a must. Cooking various meats to the correct temperatures ensures that the meat is heated to a temperature where bacteria growth stops.
Having a good thermometer is important, these vary in size and function. Whether your thermometer is analogue or digital, as long as they are a reputable make, the readings will always be accurate. Remember, you will never get an accurate reading if you are inserting your thermometer close to the bone, provided you are cooking meat on the bone. So make sure you when you are checking your temperatures, to probe away from the bone, in the thickest piece of meat.
Once you have reached your desired temperature, be sure to let your meat rest once taken off the heat. This allows for the internal juices to be reabsorbed into the meat. When resting meat, covering your meat with tin-foil is advised as this keeps the meat hot while it's resting. Meat will carry on cooking for a short time once taken off the heat, so keep that in mind when you have reached your desired temperature. It's always better to aim for slightly underdone when you take your meat off the heat, that way, if it is under cooked, you could always put it back on the heat to get to where you would like it. If it's over done, there is no way of correcting it.
TEMPERATURE GUIDE (Please note that this is purely for reference use)
Well Done
45°C - 50°C
50°C - 55°C
55°C - 60°C
65°C - 70°C
70°C and above
60°C - 65°C
75°C and above
Well Done
60°C - 63°C
Pork - General
Christmas Ham
75°C - 80°C